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Who Needs God

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By Harold S. Kushner — 2002

With the warmth, insight, and understanding that distinguished his phenomenal bestsellers When Bad Things Happen to Good People and How Good Do We Have to Be?, Rabbi Harold Kushner addresses a critical issue in the lives of many: a spiritual hunger that no personal success can feed. See more...

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Your Soul Purpose: Learn How to Access the Light Within

Discover your soul purpose by harnessing your own energy and accessing the world beyond in this expert guide from the world-famous psychic medium and author of The Happy Medium. Everyone on earth has a purpose for being here, but it can be difficult to discover.

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Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

Self-defeating behavior is the single most common reason that people seek psychotherapy. It is a poison, preventing us from achieving the love, success and happiness we want in our lives.

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The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient African Teachings in the Ways of Relationships

Somi generously applies the subtle knowledge from her West African culture to this one. Simply and beautifully, she reveals the role of spirit in every marriage, friendship, relationship, and community.

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The Seven Levels of Intimacy: The Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved

We all yearn for intimacy, but we avoid it. We want it badly, but we often run from it. At some deep level we sense that we have a profound need for intimacy, but we are afraid to go there. Why? We avoid intimacy because having intimacy means exposing our secrets.

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The Book of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living

Telushkin speaks to the major ethical issues of our time, issues that have, of course, been around since the beginning. He offers one or two pages a day of pithy, wise, and easily accessible teachings designed to be put into immediate practice.

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The Handbook of Jewish Meditation Practices: A Guide for Enriching the Sabbath and Other Days of Your Life

While broad interest in Jewish meditation is a relatively new phenomenon, meditative practices have been deeply rooted in Judaism for thousands of years. Here, Rabbi David A.

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Kindness: Change Your Life and Make the World a Kinder Place

When you step out of your own life and take more notice of what's happening in other people's lives, you realise that you have the power to make a difference – a positive difference – in their lives and your own.

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Conductivity Healing

In this book, His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj offers straightforward and practical guidance for understanding and engaging in energy healing. Through a series of simple practices you'll be able to feel, breath and circulate etheric energy, enhancing well-being in yourself and others.

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Living on Purpose: Straight Answers to Universal Questions

Written by a former world-champion athlete, coach, and educator, Dan Millman's books present practical ways to transform daily challenges into vehicles of spiritual growth.

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St. John of the Cross for Beginners

Fr. William Meninger guides the reader through two basic works of inner development, The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross (1542–1591). He unfolds for modern readers the essence of these classical texts, section by section. St.

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