By Tara Westover — 2025
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What if women had been the storytellers? Cassandra Speaks is a synthesis of storytelling, memoir, and cultural observation. All people will find themselves in the pages of this book, and will come away strengthened, opened, and ready to work together to create a better world for all people.
A practical and inspiring guide to transformational personal storytelling, The Story You Need to Tell is the product of Sandra Marinella’s pioneering work with veterans and cancer patients, her years of teaching writing, and her research into its profound healing properties.
Telling stories awakens wonder and creates special occasions with children, whether it is bedtime, around the fire or on rainy days. Encouraging you to spin golden tales, Nancy Mellon shows how you can become a confident storyteller and enrich your family with the power of story.
The healing power of stories is a strong antidote to today’s electronic screen world. Storytelling is an engaging, meaningful way of sharing our thoughts and feelings.
Based on the popular podcast, soothing stories to carry you off to deep, restful sleep. Busy minds need a place to rest.
Most congregational leaders find it difficult to resist the dominant cultural expectation that different cultural and ethnic groups should stick to themselves -- especially when it comes to church.
Tell stories that matter. All great leaders—whether veteran CEOs, new entrepreneurs, change agents or clergy—achieve their success by inspiring others. Inspiring others depends on creating an emotional connection with stakeholders.
Humans live in landscapes of make-believe. We spin fantasies. We devour novels, films, and plays. Even sporting events and criminal trials unfold as narratives. Yet the world of story has long remained an undiscovered and unmapped country.
Stories shape who we are. They drive us to act out our dreams and ambitions and mold our beliefs. Storytelling is an essential part of what makes us human.
A repackaged edition of the revered author’s treasury of essays and stories which examine the value of creative writing and imaginative exploration. C. S.