By Tara Westover — 2025
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The essence of Dr. Howard Thurman (1900–1981) and his thought emerges in a message of hope, reconciliation, and love.
Howard Thurman, minister, philosopher, civil rights activist, has been called ‘one of the greatest spiritual resources of this nation.’ His encounters with Gandhi in India helped instill his commitment to nonviolence. This book features some of his writings.
Howard Thurman was a unique man—a black minister, philosopher, and educator whose vitality and vision touched the lives of countless people of all races, faiths, and cultures.
Originally published as The Women’s Spirituality Book, this guide describes the beliefs and practices of the Goddess craft as it relates to the daily lives of women. It emphasizes achieving power and control through healing, visualization, Tarot, and the women’s I Ching.
So much of our lives are spent running―from pain, from vulnerability, and from everyday struggle. Jeff Foster understands that sense of pursuit.
As we open up to life and love and each other, as we awaken from our dream of separation, we encounter not just the bliss of existence, but its pain, too; not only life’s ecstasy, but also its agony.
The Way of Rest gathers nearly 200 of Jeff Foster’s most inspiring essays, poems, and reflections on restoring and reviving ourselves when we feel exhausted or defeated.
Former boxing legend Muhammad Ali, one of the best-known and best-loved celebrities and an international good-will ambassador, offers inspiration and hope as he describes the spiritual philosophy that sustains him. “During my boxing career, you did not see the real Muhammad Ali.
Compiled in the second or third century CE, the Yoga-Sutra is a road map of human consciousness—and a particularly helpful guide to the mind states one encounters in meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices.
The essential companion to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenom of Man, The Divine Milieu expands on the spiritual message so basic to his thought.