By Tara Westover — 2025
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Prosperity Pie means: plenty of everything with enough to share! We can be and feel prosperous no matter how much we have or don’t have, or what outside circumstances may be. You are enough You have enough You do enough It’s true
This work aims to change the way we think and feel about money. Bloom discusses the social context of money and encourages the transformation of personal, organizational and political financial behaviour. He argues with the right attitude, it is possible to support wealth, justice and happiness.
Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people.
More women than ever are starting businesses—yet so few are sharing how they do it. Why? Because being a successful female entrepreneur is hard work and comes with a unique set of challenges that many don’t share.
Do your future self a favour. Go Fund Yourself. As heard on BBC Radio 4's Start The Week.
Bestselling author and creativity expert Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing how an artistic temperament is in fact a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The Starving Artist Is a Myth.
For more than twenty-five years, Your Money or Your Life has been considered the go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money.
You’ve heard about the Law of Attraction. Maybe you’ve even tried to create abundance in your own life. Did you succeed? This author has. Boni went from living the nightmare (foreclosure and bankruptcy) to become a multi-millionaire—and she created it consciously.
A revolutionary program that can free your financial energy, increase your wealth, and help you achieve personal life goals “Money is congealed energy,” said Joseph Campbell. And releasing it releases life's possibilities. . . .
You’re an entrepreneur with a great idea. But your business needs money.