By Tara Westover — 2025
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Here in one volume is the definitive picture of women’s health at the beginning of the new millennium.
Every year, almost 4,000,000 students begin their freshman year at colleges and universities nationwide. Most of them will sleep less and stress out a whole lot more. By the end of the year, 30% of those freshmen will have dropped out.
Nicole Redvers, a naturopathic physician and member of the Deninu K'ue First Nation, analyzes modern Western medical practices using evidence-informed Indigenous healing practices and traditions from around the world--from sweat lodges and fermented foods to Ayurvedic doshas and meditation.
Since its publication in April 2014, Dr Myhill s guide to understanding and overcoming CFS/ME has become a must-read for sufferers from this poorly understood condition.
Since the publication of the first GAPS book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, in 2004, the GAPS concept has become a global phenomenon. People all over the world have been using the GAPS Nutritional Protocol for healing from physical and mental illnesses.
A pioneer in the world of mind-body healing, the author provides support and guidance for those living with life-threatening illness, showing how, with the help of support groups, people can live longer and fuller lives.
Dr. John E. Sarno's groundbreaking research on TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome) reveals how stress and other psychological factors can cause back pain-and how you can be pain free without drugs, exercise, or surgery. Dr.
Everyone wants to be healthy. But thanks to the unceasing distractions in modern life, virtually everyone also struggles to maintain this priority. And thanks to a flood of conflicting opinions and complicated programs, figuring out how to be healthy can be overwhelming.
For over twenty-five years Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D.
A thrilling scientific detective story, The Balance Within tells how researchers finally uncovered the elusive mind-body connection and what it means for our health.