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The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation

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By Thich Nhat Hanh — 1999

In this beautiful and lucid guide, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh offers gentle anecdotes and practical exercise as a means of learning the skills of mindfulness—being awake and fully aware. See more...

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How to Rest in Awareness by Tapping into a Mindful Moment

Mindfulness teacher Jason Gant reflects on a heartfelt memory when he was able to lean on his deep practice and mindfully take action.

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The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonsquare

How do we change? In this pioneering talk, Dr. Shauna Shapiro draws on modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom to demonstrate how mindfulness can help us make positive changes in our brains and our lives.

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How to Meditate When You Have No Idea Where to Start

To help you learn how to meditate and integrate it into your life, SELF asked meditation experts some of your most common meditation questions.

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Re-Fleshing Mindfulness with Buddhism, Dr. Miles Neale

Often, when teaching a new idea or practice, it helps to try to boil it down to its essentials. Getting to the pith of things is very important and being able to do so in a way that reaches and sticks with others is a sign of genius.

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Mindfulness and Buddhism: An Interview with Dr. Miles Neale

How can Buddhism and mindfulness help people?

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Frozen Yoga and McMindfulness: Miles Neale on the Mainstreaming of Contemplative Religious Practices

Danny Fisher in conversation with Buddhist psychotherapist and meditation teacher Miles Neale about the mainstreaming of mindfulness practice.

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Larry Yang: The Mindfulness Bell

Larry Yang: The Mindfulness Bell

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Jeff Foster: Emotions, Feelings and Sensations Are Neither Personal nor Impersonal

Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence.

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Pushing Past Tokenism

La Sarmiento has been a leader of American LGBTQ and people-of-color Buddhist communities for close to a decade. I caught up with the trans, queer Filipino teacher before a silent retreat to discuss the dynamics of race and gender in a world that is typically White, cisgender and straight.

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Moving Beyond Meditation

Grounded in our formal practice of meditation, we can relax into the vast, open awareness that is our ultimate nature. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche tells the story of his own introduction to the Great Perfection.

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