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Afterwar: Healing the Moral Wounds of Our Soldiers

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By Nancy Sherman — 2025

Movies like American Sniper and The Hurt Locker hint at the inner scars our soldiers incur during service in a war zone. The moral dimensions of their psychological injuries—guilt, shame, feeling responsible for doing wrong or being wronged—elude conventional treatment. See more...

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The Counterintuitive Way to Build Resilience and Achieve Long-Term Success

There are times when quantity matters more than quality.

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Growth Mindset of Athletic Ability

Growth mindset is the belief that personal characteristics can be changed. Growth mindset of athletic ability refers to the belief that physical/athletic skills and talents can be grown and developed through effort and learning.

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Everyone Fails. Here’s How to Pick Yourself Back Up.

Learning to fail is a skill like any other—which means it takes practice. Learn how to thrive in spite of even your most epic mistakes.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLearning any new skill involves relatively brief spurts of progress, each of which is followed by a slight decline to a plateau somewhat higher in most cases than that which preceded it . . . the upward spurts vary; the plateaus have their own dips and rises along the way. . . .

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThis is how great intellectual breakthroughs usually happen in practice. It is rarely the isolated genius having a eureka moment alone in the lab. Nor is it merely a question of building on precedent, of standing on the shoulders of giants, in Newton’s famous phrase.

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What Is Well-Being? Definition, Types, and Well-Being Skills

Want to grow your well-being? Here are the skills you need.

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5+ Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset Using Grit and Resilience

Grit, resilience, and growth mindset are intertwined. Some believe these traits are innate, but others . . . believe they can be developed.

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How Incredibly Successful People Think

This is The Charged Life, Brendon Burchard's weekly YouTube show, filmed freestyle, in a single take without a prompter or notes.

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Military to Civilian Re-entry