By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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So many of the little rituals I have each day—like my makeup or skincare routine—do help soothe and/or rejuvenate me. For me, any type of solo practiced routine is good. But I’ve learned that self-care does not, and cannot, sustain me. And I believe that this may be the case for many of you.
There is no “one size fits all” language when it comes to talking about race.
In this powerful TEDx Talk, Self Love Educator Denise Francis speaks on the relationship between Black Women, Self-love, and Mental health. She aims to bridge the gap to heal Black women from the trans-generational trauma that the “Strong Black Woman” trope has silenced.
I will start at the end. All lives will not (really) matter until Black lives Matter. All Lives Matter is like a giant eraser; a thing folx say to remain comfortable at best and neutral at worst while erasing the obvious (Black Lives Matter TOO).
Dr. Kamilah Majied reflects her experiences at The Gathering of Buddhist Teachers of Black African Descent.
Artist Jamilla Okubo is using her craft to illustrate the power of Black women. Raised in Washington DC, Jamilla Okubo uses her art to give a positive visual representation of Black women. Okubo is vocal about empowering women because of her upbringing.
There is a belief among some African-Americans that to defeat racism, they have to work harder, be smarter, be better.
In this video, I am sharing 5 coping skills I use to help me heal from racism. These tips that I am sharing with you can also be helpful to heal improve your self-esteem and wellness overall.
“Vulnerability is scary. I associate bravery with vulnerability because it takes bravery to be vulnerable,” the Brooklyn wellness expert says.