By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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There’s growing research into racism’s real impact on the body, especially how stress can impact health and how your DNA works. Resmaa Menakem, a therapist and trauma specialist has been drawing on this research for years.
Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., ABPP, is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair in Mental Health Disparities, and Director of the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities.
In the first episode of a series with “It Didn’t Start with You” author Mark Wolynn, he and the Amens discuss how the experiences of your ancestors may be causing you to react in unfamiliar and surprising ways.
Along with distorting our fundamental view about the world, and the emergence of traumatic symptoms, unresolved trauma limits our capacity to be fully present; our potential and capacity for real love and intimacy are blocked, as is the ability to feel the intrinsic aliveness, vibrancy, and joy of...
Cultivating insight can help caregivers build resilience to loss.
“For your husband, your illness may have made him acutely aware of not just your mortality, but also his own.”
For Saeed Jones, generations collapse into seconds during an American week of chaos and sorrow.
2020 brought old and new pains to the surface. These losses are compounded because we don’t know how to grieve. Unprocessed grief becomes trauma and trauma leads to more grief in a vicious circle that’s been going on for hundreds of years.
In the midst of trauma, everything means something. Signs and symbols appear. You’ve noticed them before, you’re a writer, but now you see them everywhere.
A survivor of the Pol Pot's death squads teaches an American to handle depression.