By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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Alzo Slade participates in an “Emotional Emancipation Circle,” an Afrocentric support group created by the Community Healing Network and the Association of Black Psychologists. It’s a safe space for Black people to share personal experiences with racism and to process racial trauma.
“Vulnerability is scary. I associate bravery with vulnerability because it takes bravery to be vulnerable,” the Brooklyn wellness expert says.
BIPOC communities create digital spaces for wellness and liberation.
Healing begets healing: restorative justice practices offer a pathway for individual healing for both the person who has been harmed and the person who perpetrated the harm.
From germinating 30,000 year old seeds to the effects of Type II diabetes on the National Health Service, Dr David Reilly MD’s fast paced talk on how to unlock the potential of human healing is both fascinating and touching.
Some of the most effective methods people can use to improve their health are also the most accessible. The following six practices demonstrate how valuable it can be to go back to basics when it comes to well-being.
Science is showing how immersion in nature speeds healing and acts as an antidote for many ailments.
Beginning with a powerful poem, Angela talks about the power of acknowledging and healing from the “strength and resilience trauma” that black women normalize and carry, Realizing the black woman's burden and healing our caregivers and youth. Angela Bowden is a writer, speaker and activist.
We cannot make another person change his or her steps to an old dance, but if we change our own steps, the dance no longer can continue in the same predictable pattern.
I am very particular about the use of ‘healing others’ as I believe that term creates a certain level of superiority that I find disempowering. When I chose to take responsibility of allowing myself to be fully revealed, I allowed the seed inside of me to be fully expressed.