By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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As the fight for racial justice takes place against the backdrop of the global pandemic, the need for regenerative self-care services that center Black women has never been more apparent.
This is a meditation meeting for people of color and their allies interested in using the Buddhist principles of mindfulness and compassion to help work with and understand how to be AntiRacist. JoAnna will share wisdom and experience on topics that are pertinent and immediate in the country today.
Dr. Richard Davidson explains that well-being is a skill that can be practiced and strengthened.
Can we cultivate well-being in the same way that we can train our bodies to be healthier and more resilient? If so, how might we use the practice of meditation to experience equanimity, to open our hearts fully to others, and to cultivate insight and wisdom? In this workshop, two world-renowned...