By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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For many of us, men with broad shoulders, narrow hips, taut muscles, and white skin — sun-kissed or pale under hot lights — became an ideal we couldn’t escape. We coveted images of these bodies like treasure, and they educated us in the rules of attraction.
Today we cover the hot topic of open relationships in the gay community vs closed relationships! The Gay Men's Brotherhood is a group for gay men to connect with each other on the journey of healing from shame and becoming more authentic and aligned to their truth.
We asked married couples at various stages: What marriage advice do you wish you had gotten as newlyweds? From being married for 5 hours to 65 years, take a look at what these couples have to say.
We asked married couples at various stages: what's the biggest challenge in your relationship? From being married for 5 hours to 65 years, take a look at what these couples have to say.