By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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Most children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors felt the omnipresence of the Holocaust throughout their childhood and for many, the spectre of the Holocaust continues to loom large through the phenomenon of “intergenerational” or “transgenerational” trauma.
In direct opposition to the Freudian drive theory, the author of the best-selling The Drama Of The Gifted Child believes that children, at birth, are inherently good. And she traces all forms of criminal deeds to past mistreatments.
For Your Own Good, the contemporary classic exploring the serious if not gravely dangerous consequences parental cruelty can bring to bear on children everywhere, is one of the central works by Alice Miller, the celebrated Swiss psychoanalyst.
In this groundbreaking book, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of trauma and body-centered psychology.
Heal trauma. Reclaim your body. Live with wholeness. These are the gifts of utilizing the power of fundamental consciousness―a subtle field of awareness that lies within each of us. In Trauma and the Unbound Body, Dr.
Depression. Anxiety. Chronic Pain. Phobias. Obsessive thoughts. The evidence is compelling: the roots of these difficulties may not reside in our immediate life experience or in chemical imbalances in our brains—but in the lives of our parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents.
In this revolutionary approach to living well, a pioneering trauma-release therapist puts relief in reach—with a multi-modal practice that can be done at home.
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Healing Shared Trauma What can you do when you carry scars not on your body, but within your soul? And what happens when those spiritual wounds exist not just in you, but in everyone in your family, community, and even beyond? Spiritual teacher Thomas...
“Racism is a heart disease,” writes Ruth King, “and it’s curable.
Osho says, “It is the child’s experience that haunts intelligent people their whole life. They want it again―the same innocence, the same wonder, the same beauty.