By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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In my upbringing, I was taught that everyone is my relative. That we are all relatives. My parents and grandparents instilled this value since I was a child and I notice that, without question, it helps me to see the value in each person and living thing.
“Women are like a mirror image of Mother Earth. We feel her pain. These heartaches that we feel are part of the compassion that women have, and we need to act on that compassion.” Mona Polacca.
Grandmothers Mona Polacca and Maria Alice Freire from the The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers offer blessings and songs for Water, the World Water Law and World Water Year 2021.
Jose Stevens interviews 2018 Eagle Feather Recipient, Mona Polacca.
This video is an excerpt from the upcoming documentary ECO WARRIORS, which is a film about the issue of labeling environmental activists as 'terrorists'.
Grandmother Mona Polacca believes that her origins are as important as her name, Polacca, which means butterfly in the Hopi language. On her father's side, she a Hopi-Tewa from the Sun and the Tobacco Clans. It was her paternal grandfather who named her.
“Grandma Aggie” is here to help us honor the water. She tells the gathered crowd of two hundred that the water hears us when we thank it for cleaning us and quenching our thirst. “We are all water babies”, she says, reminding us that we are composed largely of water.
Agnes Pilgrim, Council of 13 Grandmas.
Agnes Baker Pilgrim talks of her early life and family, of her Takelma heritage, of the Sacred Salmon Ceremony, of going to Southern Oregon University and graduating at age 61, about the Circle of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and about water, life and the earth.