By Honoree Fanonne Jeffers — 2021
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Some of the most effective methods people can use to improve their health are also the most accessible. The following six practices demonstrate how valuable it can be to go back to basics when it comes to well-being.
According to Well For Culture’s ambassador Anthony Thosh Collins, the movement is “an alliance of like-minded Indigenous people from many nations and all directions.
There are a ton of incredible things happening all over the world regarding health, wellness, and Native strength, and I want to share those stories so that everybody can be reminded that we’re not just a downtrodden people experiencing postcolonial peril. We are powerful.
A health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University who specializes in understanding the mind-body connection, Kelly is a pioneer in the field of ‘science-help,’ translating insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies that support personal well-being and community...