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Legacy: Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing

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By Suzanne Methot — 2025

Five hundred years of colonization have taken an incalculable toll on the Indigenous peoples of the Americas: substance use disorders and shockingly high rates of depression, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions brought on by genocide and colonial control. See more...

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The Bernie S. Siegel interview on ‘The Art of Healing’

One key distinction in this new wave of scholars—including books by Coles, Dossey and Bernie Siegel—is that these experts are not selling any specific religious creed. They’re not “faith healers.

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Make Your Life Purpose Invulnerable to Heartbreak and Frustration | don Jose Ruiz

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Deepak Chopra Discusses the Role of Alternative Medicine and Spirituality in Wellbeing

Integrated medicine expert Deepak Chopra joined USC’s dean of religious life in virtual conversation through Visions and Voices’ Thrive series

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Can the World Mend in This Body?

The author writes that what she does on behalf of healing any individual or being must also be healing, even if not directly extended, for the world itself.

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“Crazy Sexy Life” Kris Carr at Wanderlust’s Speakeasy

Wellness Warrior and cancer Thriver, Kris Carr, brings her Crazy Sexy talk to Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, VT in June of 2011.

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BIPOC Well-Being