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Legacy: Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing

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By Suzanne Methot — 2025

Five hundred years of colonization have taken an incalculable toll on the Indigenous peoples of the Americas: substance use disorders and shockingly high rates of depression, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions brought on by genocide and colonial control. See more...

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Winona LaDuke: Celebrating a Decade of Community Conversations | JP Forum

Winona LaDuke is an internationally renowned activist working on issues of sustainable development renewable energy and food systems.

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Louise Erdrich on Faces of America, Part 3

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Supai Hopi Mona Polacca: Water, Prayer and Humility

Mona Polacca, Havasupai/Hopi, spoke at the Rights of Mother Earth Conference, about the foundation of life. From the first water inside the mother’s womb, to the prayer upon which life depends, Polacca spoke of the spirituality of life.

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Pray Every Day for the Waters of the Earth~

We live in water in our mother’s womb,’ Hopi grandmother Mona Polacca explains. ‘Moments before we come into this world, the water of our mother’s womb gushes out, and we follow behind. That is why the Hopi call water our first foundation of life.’

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Healing Prayer: Grandmother Rita Pitka

An audio prayer, from Grandmother Rita Pitka Blumenstein .

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Doctor Rita

One patient had just left. Another was due in an hour. Rita Blumenstein -- Doctor Blumenstein -- sat in her easy chair and recalled her first memory of healing someone, the day almost 60 years ago when she prevented an infection from dog bites. The patient was her mother. Rita was 4 years old.

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American Democracy Cannot Breathe

Yes, we must radically transform policing in America. But we cannot stop there. We must transform the pervasive systems of economic and carceral injustice that are choking our common life.

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How Generational and Early Life Trauma Shape Our Lives

Along with distorting our fundamental view about the world, and the emergence of traumatic symptoms, unresolved trauma limits our capacity to be fully present; our potential and capacity for real love and intimacy are blocked, as is the ability to feel the intrinsic aliveness, vibrancy, and joy of...

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A Native American Tribe Is Using Traditional Culture to Fight Addiction

A year and half ago, Gabe Stewart stood in tribal court pleading guilty to felony charges because he stole money from his family to support his opioid addiction. In January, his community honored him for overcoming addiction and watched as his case was dismissed entirely.

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The Hidden Victims of Repression – How Activists and Reporters Can Protect Themselves From Secondary Trauma

Peaceful protest has long been a way for ordinary people to take a stand against hate, injustice, and corruption. The contentious issues – and types of repression meted out – may change with the times, but the violence itself remains a constant for activists.

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BIPOC Well-Being