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Building a Legacy of Love: Thriving in the Sandwich Generation

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By Christy Byrne Yates — 2021

Nearly 50% of Americans find themselves raising children while also managing the care of an aging parent. This is the “squeeze” of the Sandwich Generation. See more...

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Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges

Most of us at some point in our lives will be struck by major traumas such as the sudden death of a loved one, a debilitating disease, assault, or a natural disaster. Resilience refers to the ability to ‘bounce back’ after encountering difficulty.

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The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present

The received idea of Native American history—as promulgated by books like Dee Brown's mega-bestselling 1970 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee—has been that American Indian history essentially ended with the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee. Not only did one hundred fifty Sioux die at the hands of the U. S.

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No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America

When Darnell Moore was fourteen, three boys from his neighborhood tried to set him on fire. They cornered him while he was walking home from school, harassed him because they thought he was gay, and poured a jug of gasoline on him. He escaped, but just barely.

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The Sudden Caregiver: A Roadmap for Resilient Caregiving

Are you a sudden caregiver? When an unforeseen medical crisis robs someone you love of their health and wellbeing, do you feel caught off guard and ill-prepared for your caregiving role? Plenty of research confirms what you may already know: caregiving is depleting, worrying, and exhausting,...

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Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: A Practical Resilience Workbook

Those in the helping professions are constantly at risk of compassion fatigue, yet many have little guidance on how to deal with it effectively. A fresh workbook approach for compassion fatigue, burnout and stress, providing all the tools you need to leave work at work—and let it go.

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Strength for the Sandwich Generation: Help to Thrive While Simultaneously Caring for Our Kids and Our Aging Parents

Multigenerational caregiving has become a prevalent phenomenon in the generation of Baby Boomers. Nurturing children as they rapidly evolve and grow as individuals while simultaneously assisting elderly parents to live with―and then exit life with―dignity and respect can be a trying experience.

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The Resilient Founder: Lessons in Endurance from Startup Entrepreneurs

Venture backed companies are expected to grow at high velocity, raise large amounts of capital, build teams effectively to achieve unicorn, no decacorn status. Yet the journey is long, filled with uncertainties, extremities and black swan events. It can wear out the best and the brightest.

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Resilience By Design: How to Survive and Thrive in a Complex and Turbulent World

Resilience By Design: How to Survive and Thrive in a Complex and Turbulent World delivers the world’s most detailed and research-backed how-to manual to integrate advances from neuroscience and complexity theory with real world expertise, providing practical techniques that you’ll want to use...

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Scale Your Everest: How to be a Resilient Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs! Give yourself the tools to develop the mental resilience needed to succeed in the pressure cooker that is . . . starting your own business. While Erik Z.

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Startups and Downs: The Secrets of Resilient Entrepreneurs

Today’s media is replete with stories about major entrepreneurial successes, IPOs (initial public offerings), mergers, and acquisitions.

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Caregiver Well-Being