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The Portable William Blake

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By William Blake — 1977

The Portable Blake contains the hermetic genius's most important works: Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience in their entirety; selections from his "prophetic books"—including The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Visions of the Daughters of Abion, America, The Book of Urizen, and The Four... See more...

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Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women

This groundbreaking anthology presents the spiritual life of women throughout history as recorded in their poems, prayers, and songs.

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Love’s Ripening: Rumi on the Heart’s Journey

Love is the meaning of our existence, the raw material of transformation, the glorious way of access to Divine intimacy. This teaching infuses the lyric verse of Rumi (1207–1273), the greatest of the Sufi poets.

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