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The Art of Principled Entrepreneurship: Creating Enduring Value

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By Andreas Widmer — 2022

Art Ciocca orchestrated the creation of the largest wine brand that has dominated the industry for over twenty years. It is an achievement that even the best entrepreneurs can only dream of, yet perhaps you've never even heard his name. That's exactly why you should get to know him. See more...

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The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life

In his powerful bestseller The Soul's Code, James Hillman brilliantly illuminated the central importance of character to our spiritual and emotional lives.

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Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet

What does it mean to carry out “good work”? What strategies allow people to maintain moral and ethical standards at a time when market forces have unprecedented power and work life is being radically altered by technological innovation? These questions lie at the heart of this eagerly awaited...

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Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership

Drawing on his groundbreaking work on intelligence and creativity, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, developer of the theory of Multiple Intelligences, offers fascinating revelations about the mind of the leader and his or her followers.

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Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work

Research in psychology has revealed that our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases and irrationalities: We’re overconfident. We seek out information that supports us and downplay information that doesn’t. We get distracted by short-term emotions.

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