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Values-Centered Entrepreneurs and Their Companies

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By David Y. Choi — 2010

A new brand of entrepreneurs has arrived on the business scene, carrying with them a whole new set of values. They possess a sense of mission—to be socially responsible, protect the planet, and do the right thing for all of their stakeholders. See more...

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The 2-Shift Technique for Reducing Entrepreneurial Anxiety

While a healthy dose of nerves can be a good thing, especially for in-the-moment performance, too much of it can be bad for our brain and body, as well as for the relationships in our business and personal lives.

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How Can Entrepreneurs Motivate Employees? | Richard Branson | WOBI

Do entrepreneurs need to be good managers? Serial entrepreneur, Richard Branson, shares how “Some entrepreneurs are good managers and some entrepreneurs are just good at starting things.

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Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) – Octane – Targeting a New Culture

In this edition of Project Octane, Paul Chu, founder of RedWolf Airsoft, discusses the merits of adopting a “West meets East” approach to company culture, and how internal growth is just as important as external growth.

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The Secret to Happiness at Work

What matters is not so much the “what” of a job, but more the “who” and the “why”: Job satisfaction comes from people, values, and a sense of accomplishment.

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The Value of Belonging at Work

Social belonging is a fundamental human need, hardwired into our DNA. And yet, 40% of people say that they feel isolated at work, and the result has been lower organizational commitment and engagement.

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Bart Houlahan: I Want to Redefine Success in Business

Bart, along with his partners Jay Coen Gilbert and Andrew Kassoy, co-founded B Lab.

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The Best Reasons to Structure Your Social Business as a B Corp.

In The Business of Good, serial and social entrepreneur Jason Haber intertwines case studies and anecdotes that show how social entrepreneurship is creating jobs, growing the economy, and ultimately changing the world.

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Do Your Career and Work Values Align?

A misalignment between the two could make you completely miserable, trigger depression or even cause you to become physically ill, warns Saundra Loffredo.

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Future of Work: Meet the Guru Architect that Could Make You Love Your Job

How Pamela Abalu got out of the cubicle hamster wheel with a single mantra: “Work is love made visible.”

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‘Scream at Me’: What Arianna Huffington Tells All Her New Hires

“The one non-negotiable is to create a culture of what we call ‘compassionate directness’, where people are empowered to express concerns, dissatisfactions, good ideas they have—and to do it in a compassionate way,”

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