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Values-Centered Entrepreneurs and Their Companies

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By David Y. Choi — 2010

A new brand of entrepreneurs has arrived on the business scene, carrying with them a whole new set of values. They possess a sense of mission—to be socially responsible, protect the planet, and do the right thing for all of their stakeholders. See more...

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10 Successful Leaders Share Their Struggles with Imposter Syndrome and How They Overcame It

Imposter Syndrome is a thought pattern where one has a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud”, and which makes one one doubt or minimize one’s accomplishments.

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High Functioning Anxiety as an Entrepreneur. How to Manage Your Anxiety.

Does your anxiety refuses to allow you to be content and instead drives you to continually push for more? You might be a high achiever with high functioning anxiety.

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When Fear Is a Competitive Advantage — 4 Steps to Make It Work for You

Entrepreneurs are psychologically unique. In a world where up to 90% of startups fail, the most enduring visionaries will push through, energized by the idea of experiencing freedom and success alongside the 10% who beat the odds. They’re resilient. They’re adaptable.

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Luvvie Ajayi Jones: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Luvvie Ajayi Jones isn’t afraid to speak her mind or to be the one dissenting voice in a crowd, and neither should you. “Your silence serves no one,” says the writer, activist and self-proclaimed professional troublemaker.

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Brené Brown: What’s the Difference Between ‘Fear’ and ‘Armor’?

In this week's edition of YouAsked, author and research professor Brené Brown answers a question she consistently receives from readers: "During tough conversations at work, what's the difference between showing fear and putting up your armor?" You Asked is a weekly series that runs in the...

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How to Overcome Your Fear of Making Mistakes

No one can reduce mistakes to zero, but you can learn to harness your drive to prevent them and channel it into better decision-making. Use these tips to become a more effective worrier.

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Your Liberation Is on the Line

“No one who has ever touched liberation could possibly want anything other than liberation for everyone,” says Rev. angel Kyodo williams. She shares why we must each fully commit to our own path to liberation, for the benefit of all.

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Tara Brach on How Meditation Brings Healing to Workplace Fears During Turbulent Times

During the global pandemic and racialized unrest, we all need pathways to calm, clarity and openheartedness. While it’s natural to feel fear during times of great collective crises, our challenge is that fear easily takes over our lives.

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