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The Burnout Gamble: Achieve More by Beating Burnout and Building Resilience

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By Hamza Khan — 2025

Stress has been called the "Health Epidemic of the 21st Century" by the World Health Organization. It is estimated to cost North American businesses more than $320 billion a year, and studies show we are working longer and harder than ever before, leaving very little time for much else. See more...

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FindCenter Quotes ImageStay a verb—don’t become a noun.

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The Brain of an Entrepreneur

The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLearning any new skill involves relatively brief spurts of progress, each of which is followed by a slight decline to a plateau somewhat higher in most cases than that which preceded it . . . the upward spurts vary; the plateaus have their own dips and rises along the way. . . .

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Personal Development: 9 Skills, Tips, and Examples

Why personal development is so important and how to improve yourself.

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3 Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and Become Stress Free Instantly | Swami Mukundananda

In this video Swami Mukundananda shares 3 Powerful and Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and become Stress Free. These 3 tips are so powerful that if regularly practiced you will be able to stop overthinking and become stress free in a moment.

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I Have a Serious Physical Disability, but the Biggest Daily Challenges Are with My Mindset

The ongoing dialogue I have with my own perspective and emotions is the biggest job I’ve ever undertaken. Exploring this internal give-and-take forces me to grow in surprising ways.

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3 Ways to Embrace Neurodiversity in the Workplace

In a work world dominated by automation, digitalization, and increasing incivility, the need for one group of workers, those whom I call “sensitive strivers,” has never been greater.

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My College Graduation Speech: Reflections on Resilience, Growth Mindset, and Embracing Failure

With medical school decisions coming back and students in the midst of the job/internship search, I figured it would be a good time to share a few of my thoughts on resilience and the growth mindset.

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Why ‘That Girl’ Isn’t Real

The “that girl” trend has inspired millions of views, but the supposedly inspiring trend can become toxic.

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How Mentally Strong People Achieve Success

Everyone experiences setbacks. Here's how to bounce back better than before.

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