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Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs—from Delhi to Detroit—Are Rewriting the Rules of Silicon Valley

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By Alexandre “Alex” Lazarow — 2020

Startups have changed the world. In the United States, many startups, such as Tesla, Apple, and Amazon, have become household names. The economic value of startups has doubled since 1992 and is projected to double again in the next fifteen years. See more...

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Happiness 101: Simple Secrets to Smart Living & Well-Being

Are you as authentically happy as your social media profiles make it seem? When a group of researchers asked young adults around the globe what their number one priority was in life, the top answer was “happiness.” Not success, fame, money, looks, or love . . . but happiness.

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The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient African Teachings in the Ways of Relationships

Somi generously applies the subtle knowledge from her West African culture to this one. Simply and beautifully, she reveals the role of spirit in every marriage, friendship, relationship, and community.

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