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Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs—from Delhi to Detroit—Are Rewriting the Rules of Silicon Valley

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By Alexandre “Alex” Lazarow — 2020

Startups have changed the world. In the United States, many startups, such as Tesla, Apple, and Amazon, have become household names. The economic value of startups has doubled since 1992 and is projected to double again in the next fifteen years. See more...

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Beginning Anew: Four Steps to Restoring Communication

When we’re upset with someone, we’re often afraid to say anything. We tell ourselves, “Oh, it’s just a small matter; it’s not important.” But the accumulation of many small issues can create an explosive situation, and can even cause relationships to break.

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Becoming Safely Embodied: A Guide to Organize Your Mind, Body and Heart to Feel Secure in the World

Whether you are stuck in the distress of life, or appear like nothing’s wrong, you may have faced trauma or incredible stress or suffocating fear. Maybe you wonder whether those emotions, memories, and experiences are blocking you from being as fulfilled and happy as you could be.

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Buddha’s Heart: Meditation Practice for Developing Well-Being, Love, and Empathy

With Buddha’s Heart, senior meditation teacher Stephen Snyder reveals an original and clear path to the powerful brahmavihāras. These practices offer rich, soothing support for the soul and a portal to spiritual awakening and deepening self-realization.

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Right Here with You: Bringing Mindful Awareness into Our Relationships

In recent years scientists have discovered that mindfulness can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance our sense of well-being.

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Emotional Intimacy: A Comprehensive Guide for Connecting with the Power of Your Emotions

Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection.

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