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The Dream and the Underworld

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By James Hillman — 1979

In a deepening of the thinking begun in The Myth of Analysis and Re-Visioning Psychology, James Hillman develops the first new view of dreams since Freud and Jung.

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Archetypal Psychology

Originally written for the Italian Enciclopedia del Novecento, this indispensable book is a concise, instructive introduction to polytheism, Greek mythology, the soul-spirit distinction, anima mundi, psychopathology, soul-making, imagination, therapeutic practice, and the writings of C. G.

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You Are a Goddess: Working with the Sacred Feminine to Awaken, Heal and Transform

Discover the Goddess energies that lie within you through nine Goddess archetypes—an empowering guide on finding healing, strength, and transformation, for readers of Warrior Goddess Training. The Goddess is guiding your life . . .

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Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women’s Lives

Myths are fascinating stories that become even more intriguing when we realize that they can reveal intimate truths about ourselves and others. Jean Shinoda Bolen brings the Greek pantheon to life as our inner archetypes and applies the power of myth to our personal lives.

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Dream Analysis