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Making Art a Practice: How to Be the Artist You Are

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By Cat Bennett — 2013

Helping artists catapult into further action, this guide is a treasury of insight and inspiration. See more...

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Kindness: Change Your Life and Make the World a Kinder Place

When you step out of your own life and take more notice of what's happening in other people's lives, you realise that you have the power to make a difference – a positive difference – in their lives and your own.

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Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Now this beloved author digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity.

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It’s All in Your Head

An inspirational book by self-made musical superstar, Russ, reminding you that it starts with YOU, to believe in yourself, and to get out of your own way. Twenty-seven-year-old rapper, songwriter, and producer Russ walks his own path, at his own pace.

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Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All

IDEO founder and Stanford creator David Kelley and his brother Tom Kelley, IDEO partner and the author of the bestselling The Art of Innovation, have written a powerful and compelling book on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us.

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Your Inner Critic Is a Big Jerk: And Other Truths About Being Creative

This book is duct tape for the mouth of every artist’s inner critic. Silencing that stifling voice once and for all, this salve for creatives introduces ten truths they must face in order to defeat self-doubt.

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Banish Your Inner Critic: Silence the Voice of Self-Doubt to Unleash Your Creativity and Do Your Best Work

Are you ready to boost your personal productivity—minus the fear and loathing? Are you ready to Banish Your Inner Critic and unleash the creative ideas and personal productivity within you? Help is on the way! Blocked creative ideas.

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You’ll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation

You’ll See It When You Believe It demonstrates that through belief you can make your life anything you with it to be.

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Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being

Resilience is the ability to face and handle life’s challenges, whether everyday disappointments or extraordinary disasters. While resilience is innate in the brain, over time we learn unhelpful patterns, which then become fixed in our neural circuitry.

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Creative Well-Being