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Six Years and Counting: Love, Leukemia, and the Long Road Onward

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By Peter Gordon — 2017

In this gripping chronicle, Peter Gordon describes the initial shock of his cancer diagnosis, the ensuing upheaval, the anxious wait for a matching donor, the long hospitalization for the transplant itself, and the surprisingly difficult road afterward. And that's just part of the story. See more...

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Radical Remission

In her New York Times bestseller, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer—even after conventional medicine has failed. While getting her Ph.D.

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Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

John O'Donohue, poet, philosopher, and scholar, guides you through the spiritual landscape of the Irish imagination.

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