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Zen Athlete: The Secrets to Achieving Your Highest Potential

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By Matthew Belair — 2024

Zen Athlete demystifies the art of mental training, flow and peak performance. At its core Zen Athlete is a practical guide to self mastery. See more...

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The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance

The debate is as old as physical competition.

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Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food

Physician and biochemist Catherine Shanahan, M.D.

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Information Medicine: The Revolutionary Cell-Reprogramming Discovery that Reverses Cancer and Degenerative Diseases

The universe is not a mechanical system of matter—it operates like a cosmic network that runs on and is connected by information. Information “in-forms” and underlies all of the physical world, including the human body. In this book, Pier Mario Biava, M.D., and Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

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The PlantPlus Diet Solution: Personalized Nutrition for Life

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained cell biologist, health psychologist, and New York Times best-selling author, believes that when you’ve got the right information, you can make powerful choices to change your life.

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Athlete Well-Being