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A Black Theology of Liberation: 50th Anniversary Edition

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By James H. Cone — 2020

With the publication of his two early works, Black Theology & Black Power (1969) and A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), James Cone emerged as one of the most creative and provocative theological voices in North America. See more...

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The Measure of Our Lives: A Gathering of Wisdom

This inspirational book juxtaposes quotations, one to a page, drawn from Toni Morrison's entire body of work, both fiction and nonfiction--from The Bluest Eye to God Help the Child, from Playing in the Dark to The Source of Self-Regard--to tell a story of self-actualization.

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Toni Morrison: The Last Interview and Other Conversations

In this wide-ranging collection of thought-provoking interviews—including her first and last—Toni Morrison (whom President Barrack Obama called a “national treasure”) details not only her writing life, but also her other careers as a teacher, and as a publisher, as well as the gripping story of...

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The Origin of Others

America’s foremost novelist reflects on the themes that preoccupy her work and increasingly dominate national and world politics: race, fear, borders, the mass movement of peoples, the desire for belonging.

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Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination

Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist Toni Morrison brings the genius of a master writer to this personal inquiry into the significance of African-Americans in the American literary imagination.

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