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A Black Theology of Liberation: 50th Anniversary Edition

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By James H. Cone — 2020

With the publication of his two early works, Black Theology & Black Power (1969) and A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), James Cone emerged as one of the most creative and provocative theological voices in North America. See more...

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In the House of Remembering: The Living Tradition of Sufi Teaching

These illuminating discourses, covering a wealth of themes relating to the inner life, open an accessible and refreshing window to the mature practical spirituality within the living tradition of Sufism.

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The Mystics of the Church

This little book only hints at the richness and variety of the material with which anyone who tries to tell the spiritual history of the Christian Church will have to muddle through.

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The Cloud of Unknowing: A Book of Contemplation

Evelyn Underhill was one of the greatest spiritual writers of the twentieth century. Her legacy as a pivotal figure in Christian mysticism endures today.

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Concerning the Inner Life with the House of the Soul

Concerning the Inner Life with the House of the Soul.

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Mysticism: The Preeminent Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness

First published in 1911, Mysticism remains the classic in its field and was lauded by The Princeton Theological Review as "brilliantly written [and] illuminated with numerous well-chosen extracts ... used with exquisite skill.

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The Way of the Mystics

Howard Thurman tended not to speak of his own mystical inclinations, conscious that the word mysticism was likely to be misunderstood. And yet Thurman is commonly recognized as a mystic in the sense that he used the word to describe someone who had an acute experience of the Divine Life.

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God Speaks

God Speaks is Meher Baba's most complete statement of the process of Creation and its purpose. This recent reprinting maintains the contents of the 1973 revised edition while presenting the material in a new style.

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The One Quest: A Map of the Ways of Transformation

Those seeking spiritual enlightenment and personal growth will welcome this broad examination of the factors, such as religion, education, and psychotherapy, that affect and stimulate growth.

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