By Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos — 2025
When Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos discovered a pea-sized lump in her breast, she did what any sensible woman would do: She went to see her doctor, who assured her that she was in good health and that the lump was nothing but a fibrous tumor and posed no threat. See more...
When Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos discovered a pea-sized lump in her breast, she did what any sensible woman would do: She went to see her doctor, who assured her that she was in good health and that the lump was nothing but a fibrous tumor and posed no threat. Kathleen was not convinced, particularly in light of the fact that her mother had recently died of cancer. In a dream that night, Kathleen saw her spiritual guide/guardian angel who took her hand, placed it on her breast, and said, “You have cancer right here. Feel it? Go back to your doctor tomorrow. Don’t wait for an appointment.” So began a medical odyssey that would take Kathleen and her loved ones on a seemingly endless roller-coaster ride of fear and frustration, hope and healing, and profound spiritual growth.