By David J. Wolpe — 1993
Drawing on the Bible, Talmud, and Midrashic sources, the author traces the Jewish search for God through language.
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The wonder of the nine-book "Conversations with God" body of work is that it contains everything human beings need to know in order to make life on Earth a joyous, meaningful, and fulfilling experience.
Much can be gained from trailing the spiritual narratives of those who have traveled ahead of us, for the God they have found, we may never have considered.
Throughout history there have been rare individuals who transcend what seems humanly possible, “enlightened” beings born with knowledge and experience that defy explanation.
First published in 1952, Eclipse of God is a collection of nine essays concerning the relationship between religion and philosophy. The book features Buber’s critique of the thematically interconnected—yet diverse—perspectives of Soren Kierkegaard, Hermann Cohen, C.G.
As stated in the Foreword by Meherwan Jessawala: This book plumbs the depths of esoteric truths never before revealed to humankind. The book's theme is an ageless one, ever old and ever new: God as Infinite Intelligence.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is one of the great masterpieces of the Christian canon. A series of meditations and practices that guides seekers on a journey to spiritual perfection, this manual has been used by millions of religious and lay persons alike for centuries.
Developing the sacred self, Wayne Dyer explains, brings an understanding of our place in the world and a sense of satisfaction in ourselves and others. In Your Sacred Self, Dyer offers a program that helps listeners establish a spiritually-oriented, rather than an ego-oriented, approach to life.