Welcome to the And That's Okay! series of books.These books are here for you to give to the person you are coming out to, as a way of helping them have something tangible to hang on to, and to help them though this. We don’t often think about the people we are coming out to, forgetting that this may be a struggle for them too. Society for so long has stigmatized those who aren’t “normal” that it may take some help for those you are coming out for to be able to cope. Well this book is here to help with that. It gives them hints on how to talk to you, what not to say, how to best cope, and PLENTY of references to places nearby to seek more information on how to help you through this transition in your life in a positive and productive way. If you’re finding this book, and you like the idea but it doesn’t specifically fit you, search “And That's Okay!” on Amazon and Kindle, there are PLENTY of other variations that we have out, and more coming soon. Live your truth, be who you are.