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F**k It: Do What You Love

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By John C. Parkin — 2016

In his latest book, John C. Parkin brings the power of saying “F**k It” to the subject of doing what we love. See more...

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You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream Career

If you’re thinking about buying this book, it’s probably because it feels like something’s missing in your career. Guess what? It could be YOU. Whether you’re living for the weekends or counting the minutes until 5 p.m.

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The Call: Discovering Why You Are Here

The final book in Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s bestselling trilogy opens us to finding and consciously living the meaning and purpose―the unique calling―at the center of our lives In The Invitation, visionary writer and teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer wrote about what we long for.

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