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Captive Hearts, Captive Minds: Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Other Abusive Relationships

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By Madeleine Tobias Landau, Janja Lalich, Michael Langone — 1994

Cult victims and those who have suffered abusive relationships often suffer from fear, confusion, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress. See more...

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119 - Friday Fix: Why You Should Create Your Personal Mantra

A simple mantra could help you stay on track with your goals, drown out negative thoughts, help you resist temptations, or even help you perform better.

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7 Habits of Highly Effective People—Habit 1, Presented by Stephen Covey

"The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it." - Dr. Stephen R. Covey Habit 1: Be Proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. You can't keep blaming everything on your parents or grandparents.

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Judson Brewer - No Willpower Required: Hacking the Brain for Habit Change

Jud Brewer MD PhD is a thought leader in the field of habit change and the “science of self-mastery”, A psychiatrist and internationally known expert in mindfulness training for addictions, Brewer has developed and tested novel mindfulness programs for habit change, including both in-person and...

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Willpower and Self Control Can Change Your Life

Have you ever wondered what's the secret to willpower and self-control? Continue reading to discover some strategies you can implement to your advantage!

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Faced with Distraction, We Need Willpower

Mustering willpower is a struggle for almost everyone — and it’s getting harder. We, as individuals and as a society, lack self-control at precisely the time we need it most.

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Gimme Gimme Gimme: How to Increase Your Willpower

A new book suggests self-control is the key to success and that learning to defer gratification can change your life. But is it really that simple?

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15 Ways to Effectively Strengthen Your Willpower

Having strong willpower is a major key to every entrepreneur’s success. We asked members of Young Entrepreneur Council to share a concrete way every entrepreneur can strengthen their willpower.

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How to Increase Willpower and Follow Through with Resolutions

Social psychologist Roy Baumeister has spent years studying how people resist temptation and break bad habits—and he's here to help.

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Three Ways to Get Willpower to Work for You

More than ever, the novel coronavirus crisis is calling on us to dig deep down to discover unwavering willpower to rebound and rebuild. Here are three ways to get willpower to work for you.

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7 Science-Based Strategies to Boost Your Willpower and Succeed with Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year when people make their New Year’s resolutions—indeed, 93% of people set them, according to the American Psychological Association.

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