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Wholehearted Faith

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By Rachel Held Evans, Jeff Chu — 2025

At the time of her tragic death in 2019, Rachel was working on a new book about wholeheartedness. See more...

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With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman

Howard Thurman was a unique man—a black minister, philosopher, and educator whose vitality and vision touched the lives of countless people of all races, faiths, and cultures.

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We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible with the Poor People’s Campaign

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible proclaims justice and abundance for the poor. Yet these powerful passages about poverty are frequently overlooked and misinterpreted.

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Prophesy Deliverance!

In this, his premiere work, Cornel West provides readers with a new understanding of the African American experience based largely on his own political and cultural perspectives borne out of his own life’s experiences.

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Spiritual Compass: The Three Qualities of Life

In our modern, materialistic world it is easy to separate spirituality from everyday life. But spirituality is not just for saints, neither is it confined to the Sunday Service, Friday prayers, or holy books.

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The Measure of a Man

In August 1958 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., preached two sermons—"What is Man?" and "The Dimensions of a Complete Life"—at the first National Conference on Christian Education of the United Church of Christ at Purdue University.

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The Insecurity of Freedom: Essays on Human Existence

The Insecurity of Freedom is a collection of essays on Human Existence by one of the foremost Jewish thinkers of our time, Abraham Joshua Heschel. "Our theme is religion and its relationship to the free society."

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