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The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture Developing Minds

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By Daniel J Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson — 2025

Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson speak to audiences all over the world about their immensely popular best-sellers, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. See more...

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Overcoming Toxic Emotions: A Practical Guide to Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others

The desire to love and be loved and feel valued is universal. Seems easy enough, but for most people it is a constant, and often silent, struggle. Toxic emotions such as fear, resentment, guilt, and shame drain your energy, deflate the spirit, and make you feel stuck.

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This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide to Mind, Body, and Soul

With an introduction by Anne Lamott, This Messy Magnificent Life is a personal and exhilarating read on freeing ourselves from daily anxiety, lack, and discontent.

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Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success

The mental well-being of children and adults is shockingly poor. Marc Brackett, author of Permission to Feel, knows why. And he knows what we can do. “We have a crisis on our hands, and its victims are our children.

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Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong.

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The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You

Emotions―especially the dark and dishonored ones―hold a tremendous amount of energy. We’ve all seen what happens when we repress or blindly express them.

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Embracing Anxiety: How to Access the Genius of This Vital Emotion

Are you struggling with anxiety? If so, you’ve probably tried the usual options—distraction, repression, medication, exercise, or just trying to ignore it. But anxiety evolved to help us.

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Emotional Equations: Simple Steps for Creating Happiness + Success in Business + Life

When Chip Conley, dynamic author of the bestselling Peak, suffered a series of devastating personal and professional setbacks, he began using what he came to call “Emotional Equations” (such as Joy = Love – Fear) to help him focus on the variables in life that he could handle, rather than...

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Children’s Well-Being