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By Andrea Richards, Susan Miller, Jessica Hundley — 2021

From the beginning of human history, individuals across cultures and belief systems have looked to the sky for meaning. The movement of celestial bodies and their relation to our human lives has been the central tenant of astrology for thousands of years. See more...

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Essays on Astrology

Here at last are the collected essays of the world's leading astrologer. In one comprehensive volume, Essays on Astrology makes a cross section of Robert Hand's writings available to both the beginning and advanced astrologer.

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The Astrolabe World Ephemeris: 2001-2050 At Midnight

Featuring Longitudes and Declinations for the Sun, Moon, Planets, Chiron and the Asteroids. The Astrolabe World Ephemeris combines reading ease and clarity with 21st Century accuracy and precision of data.

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Planets in Youth: Patterns of Early Development

To Robert Hand, children are adults in the process of becoming. Parents will welcome this book and use it to help their children learn to cope with the complexities of modern life. Readers of all ages will use it to understand their own patterns of early development.

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Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships

Planets in Composite contains an explanation of the composite technique, chapters on casting and reading the horoscope, five case studies illustrating the use and validity of composite charts, plus twelve chapters of delineations.

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Horoscope Symbols

Whether you're a beginning student or a practicing professional, Horoscope Symbols takes you beyond your present conception of astrology into a whole new realm of understanding.

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Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil

Have you ever experienced the repeated delays, pressures, and disappointment associated with Saturn’s transits and cycles? This classic astrology text, revered by both beginning and professional astrologers alike, offers a fresh perspective on how to handle the influence of this much-maligned...

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Western Astrology