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By Andrea Richards, Susan Miller, Jessica Hundley — 2021

From the beginning of human history, individuals across cultures and belief systems have looked to the sky for meaning. The movement of celestial bodies and their relation to our human lives has been the central tenant of astrology for thousands of years. See more...

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The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems and Modern Scientific Principles

Nicole Redvers, a naturopathic physician and member of the Deninu K'ue First Nation, analyzes modern Western medical practices using evidence-informed Indigenous healing practices and traditions from around the world--from sweat lodges and fermented foods to Ayurvedic doshas and meditation.

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Information Medicine: The Revolutionary Cell-Reprogramming Discovery that Reverses Cancer and Degenerative Diseases

The universe is not a mechanical system of matter—it operates like a cosmic network that runs on and is connected by information. Information “in-forms” and underlies all of the physical world, including the human body. In this book, Pier Mario Biava, M.D., and Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

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Reconnecting to The Source: The New Science of Spiritual Experience, How It Can Change You, and How It Can Transform the World

Renowned authority on science and philosophy Dr. Ervin Laszlo explores the implications of the new quantum sciences to move beyond the limits of reality as we know it and find our way again in our “in-formed,” purposively evolving universe.

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The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles (10th Anniversary Edition)

This new updated and expanded 10th-anniversary edition of The Biology of Belief will forever change how you think about your own thinking. Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain's functioning show that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts.

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Western Astrology