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Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human

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By Miles Neale, Geshe Tenzin Zopa (foreword) — 2018

The core of this book is Tibetan Buddhism’s "gradual path"―or Lam Rim―interpreted with fresh insights from modern scientific research. Offering an illuminating new presentation of Tibet’s deep psychology, meditative techniques, and virtuous rituals, Dr. See more...

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The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience

A classic and perennially relevant book, written by one of the world's foremost authorities in the field, The Unfolding Self examines in detail the transformations that an individual undergoes in the process of their expansion of consciousness.

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The Essential Edgar Cayce

A complete guide to the work of the remarkable twentieth-century seer Edgar Cayce, featuring Cayce's most intriguing and influential readings, and a biographical introduction to his life. Edgar Cayce is one of the most mysterious men of the twentieth century.

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The Eye of Spirit: An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad

In this groundbreaking book, Ken Wilber uses his widely acknowledged “spectrum of consciousness” model to completely rewrite our approach to such important fields as psychology, spirituality, anthropology, cultural studies, art and literary theory, ecology, feminism, and planetary...

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The Spectrum of Consciousness

Wilber’s groundbreaking synthesis of religion, philosophy, physics, and psychology started a revolution in transpersonal psychology.

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Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World

Integral Spirituality is being widely called the most important book on spirituality in our time.

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No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth

A simple yet comprehensive guide to the types of psychologies and therapies available from Eastern and Western sources. Each chapter includes a specific exercise designed to help the reader understand the nature and practice of the specific therapies.

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The Essence of Jung’s Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism: Western and Eastern Paths to the Heart

The Essence of Jung’s Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism illuminates two very different yet remarkably similar traditions. Radmila Moacanin touches on many of their major ideas: the collective unconscious and karma, archetypes and deities, the analyst and the spiritual friend, and mandalas.

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The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

Now featuring a new introduction by Dr. M. Scott Peck, the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the classic bestseller The Road Less Traveled is celebrated by The Washington Post as “not just a book but a spontaneous act of generosity.

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The Empathic Ground: Intersubjectivity and Nonduality in the Psychotherapeutic Process

The Empathic Ground explores the experience of nondual consciousness as the basis of human connection, and describes its importance for psychological healing.

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Love Unveiled: Discovering the Essence of the Awakened Heart

A passionate and deep exploration of how love is essential to our spiritual growth and development, from beloved author and teacher A. H. Almaas. Love is a universal energy—and a primary force that powers our movement toward spiritual illumination.

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Spiritual Awakening