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Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human

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By Miles Neale, Geshe Tenzin Zopa (foreword) — 2018

The core of this book is Tibetan Buddhism’s "gradual path"―or Lam Rim―interpreted with fresh insights from modern scientific research. Offering an illuminating new presentation of Tibet’s deep psychology, meditative techniques, and virtuous rituals, Dr. See more...

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Dalai Lama Renaissance

In 1999, the Dalai Lama meets with a self-titled "Synthesis" group, made up of 40 Western "renaissance" thinkers who hope to change the world and resolve many of the world's problems, but actually end up transforming themselves.

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Michael Beckwith Discusses Spiritual Liberation

Michael Bernard Beckwith, well known spiritual teacher and featured contributor to The Secret, shares his teachings with the world in this powerful and compelling book of spiritual wisdom.

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The 4 Stages of Spiritual Awakening | Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Beckwith discusses the 4 Stages of Spiritual Growth and ultimately the dissolution of boundaries between you and the universe itself. What is spiritual growth? Is there a step-by-step process? How do you start your spiritual journey

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Spiritual Awakening