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Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human

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By Miles Neale, Geshe Tenzin Zopa (foreword) — 2018

The core of this book is Tibetan Buddhism’s "gradual path"―or Lam Rim―interpreted with fresh insights from modern scientific research. Offering an illuminating new presentation of Tibet’s deep psychology, meditative techniques, and virtuous rituals, Dr. See more...

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Bernie Siegel

Bernie Siegel shares the importance of love on the healing process.

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Connecticut Q&A: Bernie S. Siegel; ‘If You Enjoy Living, You Live Longer’

THE greatest disease of mankind is a lack of love, according to the surgeon and author Bernie S. Siegel, who advocates that the body can be healed through the mind. Dr.

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The Structure That Carries Consciousness

Many scientists and bodywork therapists believe consciousness is tangible and can be touched. The fascial system, a super network of connective tissue is the physical doorway we can use to enter into consciousness.

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A Conversation with Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher and highly attuned empathic healer.

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As a Child She Was Abused, Then She Healed Millions with Her Words

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Gangaji: the Need to Heal

If what it is you want it to simply to be done with this woundedness then you will continue to search for something that temporarily at least makes you feel better.

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Spiritual Awakening