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Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human

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By Miles Neale, Geshe Tenzin Zopa (foreword) — 2018

The core of this book is Tibetan Buddhism’s "gradual path"―or Lam Rim―interpreted with fresh insights from modern scientific research. Offering an illuminating new presentation of Tibet’s deep psychology, meditative techniques, and virtuous rituals, Dr. See more...

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Empowerment Coach Reveals How to Stop Self-Rejection and Develop Self-Confidence—Roxy Saffaie

Is your greatest enemy, or bully, in life actually yourself? Do you put yourself down, tell yourself, “You can’t do it,” or shut down your own dreams before even giving them a try? On this episode of Women of Impact, empowerment coach, podcast host, writer, and athlete Roxy Saffaie joins Lisa...

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Show Up for Yourself First

The black box is awkward at best and excruciating at worst. But it’s where change happens.

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Anthony on Indigenous Mental Health and Self Love

Anthony Johnson is a social entrepreneur living in NYC and Arizona. In the video, Anthony talks about the importance of being open about mental health in an indigenous community, self care, and the power of shared story.

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Identity encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that create one’s sense of self.

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Love, No Matter What | Andrew Solomon

What is it like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way (like a prodigy, or a differently abled kid, or a criminal)? In this quietly moving talk, writer Andrew Solomon shares what he learned from talking to dozens of parents—asking them: What’s the line between...

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Debbie Ford: Divorce as Change

An Introduction to the Laws of Spiritual Divorce.

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Redefined - Annie Lennox

Annie Lennox joins host Zainab Salbi on the debut episode of Redefined to talk about the personal moments that have shaped her identity as a citizen, activist, artist, daughter, and mother. Formative and transformative stories of hope, loss, struggle, and awakening fill this heartfelt conversation.

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Lama Surya Das at the Garrison Institute

Lama Surya Das offers his perspective on what it means to center oneself in Buddha-nature, how one lives and acts in the wakeful state, the balance of inner and outer life, the relationship between enlightenment and social transformation, and more.

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Bridge of Consciousness: Soulshaping

Jeff Brown takes us along a bridge of consciousness, a stepping out into the heart of our spiritual journey- from false path to true path, from misidentification to authenticity.

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Gary Zukav: Words of Wisdom—Defining Authentic Power | Women for One

Gary Zukav reveals a revolutionary new path for spiritual growth in his book Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power.

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Spiritual Awakening