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Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human

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By Miles Neale, Geshe Tenzin Zopa (foreword) — 2018

The core of this book is Tibetan Buddhism’s "gradual path"―or Lam Rim―interpreted with fresh insights from modern scientific research. Offering an illuminating new presentation of Tibet’s deep psychology, meditative techniques, and virtuous rituals, Dr. See more...

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Be Patient, Master Is at Work- from Amma's Heart - Series: Episode 14 - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

All Masters have said, “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) and “Tat Twam Asi,” (You are that). Disciples then perform constant shravanam, mananam and nidhidyasanam (listening, reflection and internalization), and through this process they reach the depths of these statements.

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Spiritual Awakening