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Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fearz

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By Angela Neal-Barnett — 2025

Thousands of Black women suffer from anxiety. What’s worse is that many of us have been raised to believe we are Strong Black Women and that seeking help shows weakness. See more...

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Said I Wasn’t Gonna Tell Nobody: The Making of a Black Theologian

James H. Cone was widely recognized as the founder of Black Liberation Theology—a synthesis of the Gospel message embodied by Martin Luther King, Jr., and the spirit of Black pride embodied by Malcolm X.

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A Black Theology of Liberation: 50th Anniversary Edition

With the publication of his two early works, Black Theology & Black Power (1969) and A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), James Cone emerged as one of the most creative and provocative theological voices in North America.

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The Measure of Our Lives: A Gathering of Wisdom

This inspirational book juxtaposes quotations, one to a page, drawn from Toni Morrison's entire body of work, both fiction and nonfiction--from The Bluest Eye to God Help the Child, from Playing in the Dark to The Source of Self-Regard--to tell a story of self-actualization.

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For the Inward Journey

The essence of Dr. Howard Thurman (1900–1981) and his thought emerges in a message of hope, reconciliation, and love.

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The Luminous Darkness

The Luminous Darkness is a commentary on what segregation does to the human soul. First published in the 1960s, Howard Thurman's insights apply today as we still try to heal the wound of those days.

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The Inward Journey

Meditations that address the deepest needs and aspirations of the human spirit. Themes include: The Quest for Meaning, The Quest for Understanding, The Quest for Fulfillment, The Quest for Love, The Quest for Peace, The Quest for God, and Psalm 139.

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