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When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir

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By Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Asha Bandele — 2018

Raised by a single mother in an impoverished neighborhood in Los Angeles, Patrisse Khan-Cullors experienced firsthand the prejudice and persecution Black Americans endure at the hands of law enforcement. For Patrisse, the most vulnerable people in the country are Black people. See more...

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Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry: A Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and Forgiveness

Leaders cannot predict the complex challenges they are called on to face. Veteran consultants Joan McArthur-Blair and Jeanie Cockell show that Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an invaluable tool to build resilience, solve problems, create hope and lead with confidence.

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Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart

This anthology presents more than 30 essays from eminent women trailblazers--such as author Alice Walker, psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen, playwright Eve Ensler, holistic doctor Rachel Naomi Remen, biologist Janine Benyus, hip-hop performer Rha Goddess, and famous tree-sitter Julia Butterfly...

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Emotional Equations: Simple Steps for Creating Happiness + Success in Business + Life

When Chip Conley, dynamic author of the bestselling Peak, suffered a series of devastating personal and professional setbacks, he began using what he came to call “Emotional Equations” (such as Joy = Love – Fear) to help him focus on the variables in life that he could handle, rather than...

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