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Raised by Unicorns: Stories from People with LGBTQ+ Parents

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By Frank Lowe (editor) — 2025

In recent years, the world has been saturated by endless blogs, articles, and books devoted to the subject of LGBTQ+ parenting. On the flip side, finding stories written by the children of LGBTQ+ parents is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. See more...

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Daughters and Mothers: Making it Work

The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most intense relationships a woman will ever experience-it is strong and primary. This first and essential relationship has a powerful, though often subtle, effect on an adult woman's interactions with her mate, children, friends-and herself.

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Lesbian and Gay Foster Care and Adoption (Second Edition)

Featuring a spectrum of families from diverse backgrounds, this book reveals the joys and challenges of adoptive and foster parenting.

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The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads: Everything You Need to Know About LGBTQ Parenting But Are (Mostly) Afraid to Ask

If You are Thinking of Becoming a Gay Dad, or if You are Already a Gay Dad ─ This Book is for You! Are you ready to have kids? More and more gay men are turning to adoption and surrogacy to start their own families.

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Honey, I Wrecked The Kids: When Yelling, Screaming, Threats, Bribes, Time-outs, Sticker Charts and Removing Privileges All Don't Work

Bringing the same perceptive and practical advice that made Breaking the Good Mom Myth an international bestseller, TV personality and psychotherapist Alyson Schafer again comes to the rescue of desperate parents everywhere.

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Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood

Based on William Pollack’s groundbreaking research at Harvard Medical School over two decades, Real Boys explores this generation’s “silent crisis”: why many boys are sad, lonely, and confused although they may appear tough, cheerful, and confident.

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Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls (25th Anniversary Edition)

In 1994, Reviving Ophelia was published, and it shone a much-needed spotlight on the problems faced by adolescent girls. The book became iconic and helped to reframe the national conversation about what author Mary Pipher called “a girl-poisoning culture” surrounding adolescents.

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Depressed Child: A Parent’s Guide for Rescuing Kids

By emphasizing how parents can talk to their children about thoughts and feelings, exploring how children develop negative beliefs about themselves, and teaching parents how to help their children change those hopeless self-perceptions, this book outlines practical methods that parents and children...

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The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child

A lifesaving handbook for parents of children who are occasionally, or too often, “out of control.” Includes a bound-in twenty-minute DVD featuring Dr. Kazdin and his staff illustrating key concepts of the Kazdin Method.

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The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children (Sixth Edition)

What’s an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration—crying, screaming, swearing, kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, destroying property, and worse.

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10 Days to a Less Defiant Child: The Breakthrough Program for Overcoming Your Child’s Difficult Behavior (Second Edition)

Occasional clashes between parents and children are not uncommon, but when defiant behavior-including tantrums, resistance to chores, and negativity-becomes chronic, it causes big problems within the family. In 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, family and child psychologist Dr.

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