By The Union of Concerned Scientists — 2012
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It is becoming more and more apparent that the causes and cures for the current ecological crisis are to be found in the hearts and minds of human beings.
In Soil Not Oil, Vandana Shiva explains that a world beyond dependence on fossil fuels and globalization is both possible and necessary.
Eco-philosopher and best-selling author Joanna Macy, Ph.D., shares five stories from her more than thirty years of studying and practicing Buddhism and deep ecology.
Many of us feel called to respond to the ecological destruction of our planet, yet we feel overwhelmed, immobilized, and unable to deal realistically with the threats to life on Earth.
Coming Back to Life has helped people transform denial, despair and grief in the face of the social and ecological challenges of our time.
A leading figure in Buddhist-informed social and ecological activism since the 1980s, Joanna Macy's life work is rooted in a profound study of the parallels between Buddhist and scientific worldviews.
From cross-cultural legends recounting shamanic cures to the biblical accounts of the parting of the Red Sea and Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes, many spiritual traditions are rich in stories about seemingly inexplicable transformations of the natural world.