By The Union of Concerned Scientists — 2012
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Thirty years ago Bill McKibben offered one of the earliest warnings about climate change. Now he broadens the warning: the entire human game, he suggests, has begun to play itself out. Falter is a powerful and sobering call to arms, to save not only our planet but also our humanity.
An original and compelling argument about how to control climate change by conserving the world’s megaforests.
The book will appeal most to people who realize that they are “tree people.” It is poetic, educational, inspirational, spiritual, and down to earth, covering the subject of trees from anatomy and physiology to trees as archetypal and sacred symbols.
Powerful conversations between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and leading scientists on the most pressing issue of our time.
In this timely book, Canadian activist Maude Barlow counters the prevailing atmosphere of pessimism that surrounds us and offers lessons of hope that she has learned from a lifetime of activism.
The year 2020 upended every aspect of our lives.
In This Changes Everything Naomi Klein argues that climate change isn’t just another issue to be neatly filed between taxes and health care. It’s an alarm that calls us to fix an economic system that is already failing us in many ways.
In this uplifting and practical book, written in collaboration with his biographer, Austen Ivereigh, the preeminent spiritual leader explains why we must—and how we can—make the world safer, fairer, and healthier for all people now.
Winona LaDuke is a leader in cultural-based sustainable development strategies, renewable energy, sustainable food systems and Indigenous rights.
Scott Russell Sanders shows how imagination, linked to compassion, can help us solve the urgent ecological and social challenges we face.